ICP Letter Painting, Dobber, & Analog Wheel


Darn, don't really know how to get rid of those white paint residue stuck in the minute surface imperfection caused by ironing. I am quite sure I can just use some #1000 or higher sand paper and some flat plate to grind it away... but... that's yet some more works!

Wouldn't have this problem if this stuff is made of Acrylic plates and CO2 laser'd. Oh, well, you win some, you lose some.

The Dobber stick is, of course, 3D printed. With a safety wire securing it to the e-switch 5-way "joystick." Works very well... I might have made it too long... whatever...

Also, I can't find darker grey PLA filament for the rest of the buttons. Otherwise, I would do 2-tone printing on them too. Could just paint the flat surface darker grey though. But painting is less durable.

The analog wheels are self-contained with a Hall Effect Sensor (MLX90316) inside. The design is very similar to the original... from the outset. That is... due to the limited space available. I find embedding the whole sensor PCB, ball bearing, and other stuff all inside the wheel body a much more attractive solution than using a regular pot with a D-shaft. Sure, it's a bit more complicated to design, not that much really, than a D-shaft pot, but it's certainly more "elegant", or modular. But, I am still waiting for OshPark to make the thinner PCB required for this design, and waiting for some counter-sunk M2 screws to be delivered.

Next up.... the main PCB for the whole ICP.

[Update] The "problem" of paint residue has been solved by applying a coat of Acrylic Satin Varnish right after the 3D printing. Let dry. Then laser engrave, and paint, wipe the excess paint off the graphics/text... after it's dried, wipe off the residue with IPA with some flat stick so you don't accidentally intrude into the engraving and wipe off some paint inside the engraving. 


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