
Showing posts from May, 2024

F-16 ICP Mechanical Design Fully Prototyped!

The ICP's mechanical design is now fully prototyped. That is...  Everything you see in the picture is 3D modeled, 3D printed... Hot off the press, just file off the flashing/support materials... and assemble. No lengthy filing required. All the graphics is turned off when exporting... so 3D printed without graphics. Then, laser engraved. It's possible that you can use resin printers and print with the graphics with good result, but I am testing the worse case scenario, printing with filament printers. All buttons are backed with 0.9kgf stainless dome switches, resulting in very satisfying click, just like the real thing. The Dobber is backed with an off-the-shelf 5-way "joystick" I found and shared on ViperPits before. I am too lazy to do optical on this one... no need anyway. The toggle switches are commercial grade miniature toggles... not the Mil spec. one that costs USD $180 apiece. It's not cheap, about USD $10 apiece + S/H + tax. Not easy to find... and very...

ICP Letter Painting, Dobber, & Analog Wheel

  Darn, don't really know how to get rid of those white paint residue stuck in the minute surface imperfection caused by ironing. I am quite sure I can just use some #1000 or higher sand paper and some flat plate to grind it away... but... that's yet some more works! Wouldn't have this problem if this stuff is made of Acrylic plates and CO2 laser'd. Oh, well, you win some, you lose some. The Dobber stick is, of course, 3D printed. With a safety wire securing it to the e-switch 5-way "joystick." Works very well... I might have made it too long... whatever... Also, I can't find darker grey PLA filament for the rest of the buttons. Otherwise, I would do 2-tone printing on them too. Could just paint the flat surface darker grey though. But painting is less durable. The analog wheels are self-contained with a Hall Effect Sensor (MLX90316) inside. The design is very similar to the original... from the outset. That is... due to the limited space available. I find...