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F-16 ICP Mechanical Design Fully Prototyped!
The ICP's mechanical design is now fully prototyped. That is... Everything you see in the picture is 3D modeled, 3D printed... Hot off the press, just file off the flashing/support materials... and assemble. No lengthy filing required. All the graphics is turned off when exporting... so 3D printed without graphics. Then, laser engraved. It's possible that you can use resin printers and print with the graphics with good result, but I am testing the worse case scenario, printing with filament printers. All buttons are backed with 0.9kgf stainless dome switches, resulting in very satisfying click, just like the real thing. The Dobber is backed with an off-the-shelf 5-way "joystick" I found and shared on ViperPits before. I am too lazy to do optical on this one... no need anyway. The toggle switches are commercial grade miniature toggles... not the Mil spec. one that costs USD $180 apiece. It's not cheap, about USD $10 apiece + S/H + tax. Not easy to find... and very...
F16 TQS Electronic Friction Generator Experiment Successful!
I have not posted for awhile due to health problem, and recovery... Not much in this post, just to report the successful test of the TQS friction generator. The idea is to read the angle of the throttle arm, and use it to dynamically generate friction using an industrial servo motor running in torque mode (not all servo controllers allow that). Now... there are two possibilities. direct drive convert the torque/force into friction using a disk brake or drum brake mechanism. #1 has the advantage of simpler mechanism, but it is not exactly how we "feel" in the cockpit. That is.... for instance... let's assume the dumbest constant force response, i.e. at any position, you always get the same "preferred" friction force, just like what the original "friction wheel" does. But... remember, only if you move the arm should the motor generate that constant force opposite of the delta v. Now, if the pilot is not moving the TQS, then, it should maintain the posi...
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