This is just a blog to talk about the flight sim stuff I have been working on for over a decade, as a hobby.

I write my own USB firmware, Hempstick... I design my own controllers (WIP), mainly the control stick, the throttle, and the rudder pedals. I also go so far as to designing my own optical HAT switches, and mini Hall Effect stick. I also go so far as to buy up some F16 cockpit panels, control stick, throttle quadrant system from scrapped jets, and build 3D models in Solidworks out of them, then take a bronze casting class to learn the ancient lost wax casting process and made replicas of the F16 TQS and rudder pedals out of my own 3D models.

Why? When you can just pay $500 and buy existing good enough controllers, like ThrustMaster Warthog? Moreover, my solutions are even more expensive than those commercial ones!

The question is... good enough for what?

In this blog, I will attempt to answer that question, by not just describing what I do with my designs, but also the rationale behind those design decisions.


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